Healthy materials in sustainable interiors
What are healthy materials vs sustainable materials? How can buildings and interiors integrate circular materials to reduce environmental impact?

We advise teams on the selection of materials for real estate development and interiors projects, typically as part of a wider sustainability plan or ESG strategy for example. Contact us to find out more.
What are healthy materials?
A number of innovative products and materials now exist in the marketplace that promise added wellness benefits, be it in a home, office or hotel. This is in a sense an evolution of a previous shift towards sustainable, natural materials.
The Covid crisis has only served to bring all of this into the mainstream public's attention as there is now a far greater appreciation of hygiene and the concept of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) nowadays, especially with the rise of the Well Building Standard.
A conversation on the Restorative Design Framework of Object Space Place, the role of circular economy principles in sustainable restaurant design, designing out waste and lowering embodied carbon, while still delivering memorable customer experiences, as well as the pros and cons of sustainability assessments. David Chenery talks to Matt Morley of Biofilico healthy buildings.
What are the health risks of toxic building materials and products in interiors? Biofilico healthy building consultants answer this and more - covering Red Lists, the sources of toxins in interiors, healthy building standard guidance on avoiding toxic materials as well as links to our healthy building materials guide. Read on for more info!
A discussion by Matt Morley of Biofilico sustainable real estate and interiors with Manuel Diaz Cebrian, a Mexican entrepreneur promoting a vibrant new bamboo industry in his home country that comes with social impact and environmental benefits aplenty.
Talking biodesign, biophilic design & sustainable design with Danielle Trofe, covering the potential of mycelium as a healthy building material, examples of biophilic design that are truly sustainable and biomimicry as a leading light in the new field of biodesign.
Talking healthy materials, circular economy principles, biophilic design and Life Cycle Assessments with Benchmark Furniture, in Berkshire, UK.
How can we use sustainably sourced marine materials in our homes, offices and buildings in order to reduce their environmental impact and boost their wellbeing benefits?
organic materials that do no harm to the planet offer a viable alternative to the environmental harm caused by leather tanning, and some, such as Dessertex made of cactus, can even be used for furniture
Examples of healthy flooring, wellness flooring & non-VOC, non-toxic wall paints in interior design
We use healthy materials in our wellness interiors to balance sustainable interior design concepts with concerns for indoor air quality, biophilia, aesthetics and durability.
Our podcast conversation with Robert McKee, the dynamic founder of Zandur sustainable flooring based in Virginia, USA that supplies hospitals, offices, gyms and residential spaces around the world.
For BioBlu yachts, there is a happy synergy in using materials sustainably sourced from the sea onboard a yacht, what better way to align the interests of owner and ocean?
A range of sustainable fabrics made from byproducts of banana, pineapple, apple and mango production suggest nature-based solutions have a bright future!
A new generation of luxury fabrics made from upcycled ocean plastic yarn is the ideal solution for an eco yacht interior by BioBlu.
Gym flooring needs to be done right, not just from anaesthetic perspective but in terms of durability, comfort underfoot, acoustic insulation, maximum weight in use in each zone of a gym, sustainability, non-toxicity and more.